Camper Information
Here is some additional information for folks choosing to camp on the property.
Camping address is next door to the wedding location at Quade's grandparents house. If you have been to The Barn before, then you will know the location. The "campsite" is going to be the horse corral located behind The Barn. There is a horse and sheep on the property, but we are going to keep them in the stalls for the duration of the event. Below are some general rules we are asking folks to adhere by as well as a list of items we will be providing.

General Rules
We understand people wanting to bring their pups along for the ride, but we are asking people to leave the dogs at home. There are already multiple dogs on the property, barnyard animals, as well as wildlife (bears, cougars, etc). Most importantly, Little is the queen bee of the weekend's events
The "campground" is located on Quade's grandparents property and we are super grateful that they are letting us use their space. Please respect the space and keep track of garbage & food
If we'll be allowed to have fires, please make sure you extinguish the fire before going to bed for the night
I don't think we'll have to worry too much about sound, but try and keep it as minimal as possible after midnight
What we'll provide
Bathroom (porta potty)
Shower (portable shower)
Hand-washing sink
Garbage cans
Fire-pit (if allowed)
Some chairs
Some cookware
What you should bring
Sleeping stuff (pillows, blankets, sleeping pads, etc)
Food for Friday & river picnic Sunday
Camp chairs
Shower Stuff (shampoo, towels, etc)
Personal hygiene stuff
Cookware (if you have it)